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安装多台测温终端时, 如何实现统一管理?


As COVID19 is gradually under control, businesses are returning to work under safety assured in an orderly manner. However, the virus has not been completely eliminated, meaning that people still need to keep and enhance precaution to minimize infection risk. Researchers recently calculated that 45 percent of employees would be infected if they did not take temperature detection, wash hands and wear masks those prevention measures.


There are a series of reasons for employees might be infected in the office, including stay at the office for a long time, commuting and contacting foreign visitors. As abnormal body temperature is the primary symptom of the initial diagnosis, many enterprises have installed face temperature devices at the company's gate, front desk, conference room and other entrances in order to ensure employees’ health and safety and company’s normal operation.


Employees or visitors must have their temperatures checked before they enter the company or office area in an effort to minimize potential hazards. Only when his temperature checked is normal can he enter successfully. People might curious that if face temperature device can accurately detect body temperature? And how does enterprise uniformly manage multiple face temperature devices installed at different entrances?

天波利用云计算、大数据、AI智能等工具,推出SaaS版人脸测温解决方案。通过硬软件、平台三线齐发,海曼、迈来芯等国际先进的体温检测芯片,实现非接触式身份识别和精准测温,有效降低交差感染风险,提升排查效率。这里提及的平台正是统一管理多台人脸测温终端的Telpo Face平台。

Telpo adopts cloud computing, big data, AI technology and other tools to launch SaaS face temperature solution. In virtue of simultaneous operation of hardware, software and platform, and adopt Heimann and Melexis such international leading temperature detection chip, contactless identification and accurate temperature detection can be realized. It can effectively reduce cross infection risk and improve checking efficiency. And the platform mentioned here is exactly Telpo Face platform which able to unify manage multiple face temperature devices.

据了解, Telpo Face人脸识别应用综合管理平台,是实现对人脸识别终端管理以及业务应用管理平台,主要包括设备统一接入、统一数据采集、人脸库管理三大管理模块。一旦人脸测温终端统一接口对接平台,平台会对设备进行管理配置,实现远程操作,协助企业统一管理多台人脸测温终端。

It is learned that Telpo Face is an integrated face recognition application management platform. It can achieve face recognition device management and business application management, which mainly includes three management modules, including unified device access, unified data collection and face database management. Once face temperature devices are connected to Telpo Face platform with a unified interface, the platform will manage and configure devices. It is able to realize remote operation and assist enterprise to manage multiple face temperature devices.


In addition, Telpo Face platform supports unified collection, statistical query and export of multi-terminal data. Local face images input and collect are allowed, which even support to upload and send face images in the face terminal chosen. In this way, the platform can realize the function of uploading and sending face images between different face terminals. It means that personnel can freely enter the company or office areas once it input his face information at one face terminal, which greatly saves time, improves traffic efficiency and reduces human contact risk.

Tag: face temperature device, face terminal, Telpo Face platform

公司简介: 天波是世界领先的智能硬件及解决方案提供商,成立于1999年,旗下拥有POS机、收银机、自助机、人脸识别设备、生物安防设备等系列产品及解决方案。目前,天波产品已遍布全球100+国家,并成立香港分公司和印度办事处,不断扩大市场占有率。凭借20多年科研项目经验和专业态度,200多项技术专利实力保障,天波与MTN、 Vodafone、Burger King、7-11、非洲国家博彩局、支付宝、百度、美团、中国银行等全球知名公司建立战略合作。


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